Matthew 28:19


Commentary on the Book of Revelation
The Seven Lamps of Yahweh, Part 4

The seven assemblies of Asia Minor symbolize Yahshua’s assemblies who witness Yahweh’s Torah Truth to those around them.

Prophetic Trends:
Prophetic Time Clock Moves Ahead

In our time, falsehood reigns so prominently that it can hardly be distinguished from Truth.

Letters to Bethel

Communication from recipients of The Sacred Name Telecast, The Sacred Name Broadcast, and The Sacred Name Broadcaster Magazine comprise the connection we hope to achieve with those we serve.


Radio Message:
Scriptural Family Life

This radio message addresses a very significant aspect of life in this modern world.


Television and Radio Logs

Be sure to listen regularly as Yahweh’s Word is strongly preached in your locality over one of the many television stations that air The Sacred Name Telecast, and over radio stations that carry The Sacred Name Broadcast.



April 2002

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©  Assemblies of Yahweh 2002