Publications are many times taken for granted. People read a magazine or newspaper and then discard it with hardly a second thought. Lightly they flip aside what requires a monumental effort to produce. Magazines and other publications do not just appear without effort in your mail box or on your doorstep. Many man-hours of thought, planning, and labor go into producing the publications that you read. Such is the case with this magazine you now hold in your hands.

The publication of this magazine originated in 1968. When the Sacred Name Radio Broadcast began, we had no published literature. To fill this need, it was the suggestion of Sister Florence Waggy (who sponsored the first radio broadcast on WBMD, Baltimore), that we purchase some booklets on Bible doctrines that had been written by Elder C.O. Dodd during the 1930s and 40s. In order to get some fresh material into the hands of listeners who wrote in response to the radio broadcast and requested literature, I began to edit the manuscripts I used for making the radio programs. Each week, Mrs. Meyer would type these manuscripts on spirit masters and produce them for mailing out to those who expressed interest. This added to our work load, but we delighted in serving our Heavenly Father by giving interested people the truth so that they might learn to have the same joy of knowledge the Holy Spirit had revealed to us.

The early years of this ministry were extremely difficult. When I began preaching, I was employed at a full-time job in the business world to provide the livelihood for my family. I did the work of Yahweh during evenings and weekends, never taking any vacations. For about five years no wages were received for doing the work of the ministry. This was just another way that my wife and family and I could sacrifice for Almighty Yahweh and Yahshua the Messiah. The truth Yahweh had shown us was so precious to us that we wanted to follow Yahshua's directions when He said, "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)

In early 1968 it was suggested that we staple together each month's radio messages and mail them out as a magazine. I therefore decided to produce a full-fledged magazine that we could publish regularly, knowing that this would further increase our workload. One of the first people who had accepted the message (preached over WBMD) volunteered to do some of the typing in her home. This helped us considerably, and the project of issuing a publication got underway.

How well I remember the joy we felt when publishing the first issue of the Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine in June 1968. It was a rather humble effort that was produced by those spirit duplicator masters, but it looked good to us. We all just rejoiced with its publication. I think we mailed out about 135 copies of the first issue, not a very large mailing list at all.

It was indeed a humble effort at the very beginning, but our goal has always been to strive for improvement. As the mailing list of people requesting magazine subscriptions began to expand and grow, it was our decision to upgrade and purchase a mimeograph machine. That was a fiasco! How well I remember coming home from work one evening with Mrs. Meyer up to her ink-streaked elbows in ruined paper. With tears running down her cheeks she exclaimed, "I just can't make it work." After giving her a consoling kiss, I took over and discovered to my dismay that I couldn't either! We finally salvaged enough of the better looking copies to mail out the issue, but from there we turned to an outside printer. I typed the camera-ready copy and took it to the printer. To save some additional costs, I brought home the printed stacks of sheets and the Meyer family assembled them and addressed them in our kitchen. Then I took them back to the printer for trimming, and from there they were mailed to the readers.

As costs continued to escalate, we looked for a better method. Saving money and producing better publications for the new organization founded in 1969, the Assemblies of Yahweh-on equipment kept clean from the pagan names and doctrines, was our objective. In 1971 we installed our own in-house printing department when the organization moved into its present headquarters building. It was a rather humble effort at the outset, but it has since grown considerably in the last 3 decades.

In March 1973, the monthly issue of The Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine began to be published. We realized it would require a lot of hard and diligent effort to publish monthly with such a small staff and so few resources. The Sacred Name Broadcast (leading up to the Assemblies of Yahweh as an incorporated organization) began with nothing-no money or rich supporters. The brethren, who have studied and accepted this message, coming to believe its veracity, have faithfully banded together to sponsor and support the preaching of Yahweh's truth.

As organizations go, the Assemblies of Yahweh has not been unique. There have been times of organizational turmoil. It has been wisely stated that "fools rush in where angels fear to tread". Only a naive person would think that an organization would start and run along peacefully. Satan is still loose in the world, and still trying hard to overthrow the best efforts that can be put forth for preaching the Word of Yahweh. But, Yahweh has not changed, and therefore He will allow testing, trials, and troubles, just as He gives grace and strength to overcome them. He desires to see total dedication among His people so the trials will weed out and eliminate the insincere ones.

Since March 1973, a Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine has been published each month. There were times when our schedule was tardy; however, we all worked diligently to catch up again and get back to a first-of the-month publication date. First of-the-month publication is the ideal mailing dates are the reality. (We have found that the postal system consistently delivers the magazines two weeks after they are mailed.)

One of the major headaches of a publisher is the continuing escalation of the cost of ink, paper, and other supplies. There are many different chemicals used in the printing process. During recent years all these have escalated considerably in price. One must see that the income from the ministry is sufficient to supply the needs of the publication. In addition, we use sophisticated machinery that costs thousands of dollars to purchase.

However, we believe that the printed word is of equal importance to the vocal proclamation of the Kingdom of Yahweh message. When one becomes interested, he wants to study the Bible and to understand the Scriptures. The printed page supplements the original contact made with those who are interested. As the Holy Spirit reveals these eternal truths to the individual, he desires to meditate on them and read about the sound doctrines of the Bible. Therefore, the publications fill a great need in maintaining regular communication.

The Assemblies of Yahweh has no rich benefactor. It seems that all of those who support the ministry of the Assemblies of Yahweh are poor people. But, Yahweh has chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs to the Kingdom, Jacob (James) 2:25.

Nevertheless, the dedicated and sincere worshipers of Yahweh willingly contribute their tithes and offerings to this ministry so that others also may come to knowledge of the glorious truth that burns brightly within the hearts of the True Worshipers. Sending out this magazine each month is our gift of saving knowledge to you. We have never charged a subscription price for the Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine. We have invited people to join us in helping to sponsor the publication of this truth so that others might also hear, but all people of good will who wish to receive the Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine can receive it free of charge each month without cost or obligation.




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