Matthew 28:19


Commentary on the Book of Revelation

The Seven Lamps of Yahweh, Part 2

The seven lamps of the menorah have been prophetically portrayed by Almighty Yahweh as the seven assemblies of Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

Prophetic Trends:
Grievous Times Are Here!

The Bible predicts that in the last days, at the close of man’s age, grievous times shall come, 2 Timothy 3:1. This prophecy is now being fulfilled.

Letters to Bethel

Communication from recipients of The Sacred Name Telecast, The Sacred Name Broadcast, and The Sacred Name Broadcaster Magazine comprise the connection we hope to achieve.

Radio Message:
Yahweh’s Holy Days—The Sabbath and Passover Proven

Ch-rchianity has rejected Yahweh’s Holy Days (as listed in Leviticus 23) and inaugurate holidays that have no scriptural basis. Why?

Television and Radio Logs

Be sure to listen regularly as Yahweh’s Word is strongly preached in your locality over one of the many television stations that air The Sacred Name Telecast, and over radio stations that carry The Sacred Name Broadcast.



February 2002

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©  Assemblies of Yahweh 2002